The way points of this running / walking route:
Start is the obvious carpark off the RN85 aka RD6085 by the Pont de Nans
Turn left on track up (this is well signed) and follow the yellow blobs
The track will work too but I think the path is better
Splash some water on yoyurself to cool down from the source
Enjoy the magnificent views from the top
Keep on going by the ridge top following the cairns. Don't get sucked into the woods like we did
The cairns now start taking you away from the ridge - follow 'em
The map says there is a path to the right going back under the electricity cable. This appears to be a lie.
Tarmac for a bit - sorry
Enjoy the chapel and village "square"
The path heads off right and down. It is signed but the sign isn't exactly obvios
A slightly longer course will bear left at the sign post #212 and then take the Vieux chemin de Canaux back. It may be flatter...
The Santier de Nans appears on the left here at post 127. Taking it is a pleasant detour
Admire the huge old dead tree