The way points of this running / walking route:
Left onto Wynford Road.
Right onto track.
Through gate into Castlecary House car park.
Left onto Castlecary Road.
Left onto M80 slip road.
Right onto Cumbernauld Road.
Right onto Forth and Clyde Canal towpath for 2.3 miles.
Left onto Bridge Street.
Left onto High Street.
Left out of pub.
Cross Bridge Street and go right.
Left down lane and go through tunnel, continue along Bonnyside Road.
Continue straigh onto track.
Right along the wall.
Bear right.
Left to Falkirk Wheel.
Right down main drive.
Right onto Lime Road.
Left onto Tamfourhill Road.
Right onto footpath.
Right onto Tamfourhill Road.
Left onto Glentuir Road.
Right over Lock Sixteen.
Right onto the Forth & Clyde Canal towpath.