The way points of this running / walking route:
Next to the exit there is a "7/11" convenience store.Last opportunity to stock-up on food and drink.There are not many places,along the route,to purchase anything. Also,next to the large clock,there is a big noticeboard,with a map of the town.
Be mindful of the traffic here.
As you enter the gate, you will see a Sotobariryukuchi - outside moat - in front of you.You follow this for the first part of your walk.
The moat meanders-for about 5km. The serenity and beauty of this area is worth the time experiencing.
You are about to exit the area via the Minamon and re-enter the main area.
You will notice a small Jizou on your right,as you approach the intersection.Also take-note of the inscriptions inlaid into the footpath.
You have rejoined the Soobariryukuchi,and are about to wander-through an area made-up of some typical Japanese shops.
By the time you reach this junction,the Sotobariryukuchi has moved to the right of the lane.There is a florist shop on the left of this intersection.
To confirm you are on the right track,there is a souvenir shop on the left of the intersection.
Take a look at the very-large carp in these ponds.
This is a very-busy intersection,so please be careful when crossing.
You are about to enter a park,when during Cherry-Blossom season (April/May),will be abound with vivid-white colour of the Sakura.
Just be wary that you are about to cross a rail-crossing.