The way points of this running / walking route:
Starting at the end of Fourth Avenue because its a place where parking is generally available
Going down to the promenade is optional. If you don't want to do it just stay on the greensward
I always prefer staying on the top of the sea wall but you can run on the beach or on the path on the inland side
Now get off the sea wall and head across the golfcourse following the Bridleway sign
I think this is the footpath - there's only one sign and it is marked if the map is slightly wrong
OK nasty road for a few yards - sorry. Cross over and stay on the pavement
Buy some fruit here if you wish, then take the marked public footpath
Again not 100% sure this is the right spot. Anyway its the only point where you have a footpath heading left and straight on
Mind the trains
Cross over the road then turn right
Think you may be able to go up this lane instead of the next one
Follow the public footpath signs
Cross over the stile
Take the footpath again
Cross over the ditch at the obvious spot to go into the churchyard
Straight on is also fine...
There are a multitde of choices for going through the Freituna estate, this is just one of them.
One obvious choice here is to continue straight on to the greensward and then head straight back.